About the Japan Landslide Society
- About the Japan Landslide Society
Japan is located at an island arc of Circum Pacific Ocean, which is a subduction zone. Therefore, Japan has natural conditions characteristic of many volcanoes and frequent earthquakes. In addition, there is much precipitation and most of the land is mountainous. Such geologic, geomorphologic and climate conditions are causing easily landslides which claim precious human lives in every year.
The Japan Landslide Society was established in 1963 in the background of such natural conditions. Later, in August, 1999, this society was approved to be a corporation by Science and Technology Agency. This is only one scientific society dealing with landslides not only in Japan, but also in the world.
Main purpose of the society is “researching and studying landslides and related phenomena, and countermeasures for preventing such disasters, and acceptance and support funding for studying”. Main activities of the society are holding technical meetings, educational seminars, foreign scientist seminars on variable landslides, editing and publishing journals and books, and sending disaster investigation groups etc.
This society organizes annual conference and special syomposium every year, and special seminars irregularly. It is issuing bimonthly journal “Journal of the Japan Landslide Society”, and “Landslides in Japan” introducing landslides of Japan, which is published each several years.
Recently, the Japan Landslide Society consists of 1,600 individual and group members of scientists and engineers from universities, institutes and geologic consultant companies. The specialties are covering wide fields such as geology, geomorphology, soil mechanics, erosion control and civil engineering etc. This society includes Department of General Affairs, Department of Editing and Publication, Department of Event Planning, Department of Research and Study, Department of International Affairs. Besides, in Kyushu, Kansai, Chubu, Niigata, Tohoku, Hokkaido and Kanto, local branches are doing firm-rooted activities
The Japan Landslide Society:
Shimbashi Kato Bldg., 5-26-8, Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004 Japan
Phone : +81-3-3432-1878
e-mail office?landslide-soc.org
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